Being born and brought up in a village, it is very natural that the environment has a lasting impact on my thought process and it cannot be taken away at any given point of time. As my parents, belong to agricultural families, I had the chance of growing up in an authentic village life. My childhood was mostly spent engaging in agricultural activities, during which paddy, sugarcane were cultivated. I am very proud to call myself the son of the soil of Mandya.
One thing that stuck my attention in the village was the paintings on the bullock carts. I was unimaginably attracted towards the paintings as I liked painting. It was in the high school that one of my teachers recognized my inclination towards fine arts and asked me to pursue my education on Fine art. Hence after my SSLC, I joined Sri Kalanikethan School of Fine Art at Mysore.
Those days are memorable. Every morning visiting Mysore Bus Stand, Railway Station, Markets and sketching them was the routine. And this is how lines attracted me the most. After my education in Fine art, employment was the concern. And Fine Art did not leave me. In later stage, the same art became the source of income. Even after several failures and learning along with an outstanding support from the family and friends has helped me grow. The previously done experiments became a great source of learning as well as for the future research. The experiences of life, the creation of nature, beauty that could not be described with words are my inspiration in creating a different world altogether. Colours splashed into the canvas, lines speeded up using charcoal and pencils. This made me stronger as an artist as well as gave me an active life. And the outcome is nothing but thousands of paintings and pieces of art. The aim is not stagnant but is unendingly moving towards height. This is all about me.